Friday, November 18, 2011

Ferns:Can you put a fern stem in a glass of water to develop the root system?

If you get a root hormone that might help when it comes to repropagating them. Use just plain top soil and the root hormone. Take the stalk, dip in water, dip in the hormone, place in the dirt. That might help, if it is been cut close to the root area.

Ferns:Can you put a fern stem in a glass of water to develop the root system?
No, division works the best and should be done regularly anyway.
Reply:No. They reproduce by spore or sometimes by division.
Reply:No, but they will multiply on their own, they put out runners underground. You can dig the new ones up and plant them elsewhere if you want.
Reply:No but you can just chop a big plant in half ,down the middle and you have two plants.

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