Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How can you propagate a stag horn fern?

According to the sites I checked, propagating stag horn ferns is beyond home gardeners. They grow from spores.

You could perhaps get new plants in the way the best site I found recommends:

"Propagation is accomplished by spores and is not practical in the home. Rarely will a staghorn fern grown in the home produce spores, and if spores are available, germinating them is slow and difficult. Older plants may, however, develop new growing points to the side of the original. If this occurs, these shoots can be carefully removed and established on their own piece of bark. This is accomplished by first wrapping the roots in damp sphagnum and then tying the root ball tightly to the bark with cotton string. Eventually the roots and sterile frond will grip the bark and support the plant."


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