Friday, November 13, 2009

What structure in the fern life cycle is analogous to the embryo in a seed?

How are the two structures similar? How are they different?

What structure in the fern life cycle is analogous to the embryo in a seed?
The spore is analogous to the seed. A spore, however, is different in that it is a single cell that has only one copy of each chromosome (haploid), and a seed is multicellular and has two (diploid). The spore develops into a plant called a gametophyte that can produce both sperm and eggs. These unite in the processes called fertilization, producing a "baby" fern called a zygote, which now has two copies of each chromosome (it is diploid). By normal cell division, this grows into the fern as we know it, the green leafy plant on the forest floor. The fern produces the spore (still diploid), and the cycle continues.

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