Friday, May 21, 2010

Fern to celius what is the diffrence?

i need to know if it 65 0F then what is it celius and if it is75 0F then what is it celius this math is getting really hard for me.

Fern to celius what is the diffrence?
Reply:it's very easy to convert from Fahrenheit to Celcius. And I will demonstrate using the two Fahrenheit temperatures you've given.

1.. take your answer (in Fahrenheit) and subtract 32.

65-32=33, 75-32=43

2... divide your answer by 1.8

33/1.8 = 18.3, 43/1.8= 23.9

so 65 degrees F = 18.3 degrees celcius

and 75 degrees F = 23.9 degrees celcius

see that was easy no stress

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