Friday, November 13, 2009

How can I revive a boston fern from dying?

It was a very healthy plant but since it is inside the house the fronds are turning black and brown.

How can I revive a boston fern from dying?
This fern needs a ton of light and refrain from watering at night. Plants and vegetation are prone to disease at night.

Do not water more than once a week unless you house is too dry, then twice a week.

You might also try going to any store that sells plant food and getting some good fertilizer, not to high in nitrogen.
Reply:Typically they fill their pots with roots that take the place of soil and thus there is no organic material to hold water.

Sounds like your fern is dyeing of thirst.

So soaking now and then is the only route to go.

In their native habitat they thrive in moist, low light areas, beneath the tropical canopy. Too much light will cause their leaves to bleach out.
Reply:Depending on your climate, Boston ferns love a rest cure outside. I have had them turn brown and look terminal. With a hair cut and regular soaking, they bounce back. Often the soil they grown in simply can't absorb water so an overnight soak is the only way to really dampen them. They don't want to remain wet and so you should do this once a week. They love light and should be kept away from heat sources. If you can have two ferns, one on stage and the other resting in a bright light situation ready to fill in, you should have better luck.
Reply:Bostons like evenly moist dirt. Lift the pot. Light = dry, aerate and water. Heavy = wet, drain and let it dry out some. Water weekly. Miracle gro all the kids in the house mildly, bi-weekly.

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